Oh wow! What a great day. Went today for my blood work results. Doc and I had quite a conversation. I knew the results were gonna be good when he wouldn't show them to me right away and pulled up a chair and asked me EXACTLY what did I do these last sixty days.
Here's the GREAT news. It even blew me away. There is NO WAY I could have guessed that BiosLife Slim could bring my numbers down like this. I don't think my doc has ever seen these kinds of results with statin medications that are prescribed. He was excited with me. We will do another follow up in three months to see what more we can achieve.
Are you ready?
11 lbs. down and 25 inches.
September 26, 2011 Dec 5, 2011 sixty days later
Total Cholesterol 350 258 -92
LDL 249 159 -90
HDL 43 43 0
Triglyercerides 288 279 -9 it went down and not UP for a change
Hba1c 6.1 5.6 (normal is between 4.0 and 6.0) 6.5 they put you on meds for diabetes
So let's everyone get out and do the gratitude dance for the SCIENCE behind Unicity. This is AMAZING.
Okay, here's the questions that have come up already.
Did you change your diet? NO~we have eaten healthfully but not fanatically for years and even more so since the age of 40.
Did I exercise more, NO ~ I exercised less. I am working with a coach from the TRANSFORMATION program in Unicity and he told me I was exercising TOO much previously and he had me cut down my exercise from 1-2 hours per day to only 30 minutes per day and take two days off.
I never skipped a meal, still ate eggs and steak and some ice cream and also had a week long road trip of eating in fast food places and Thanksgiving in there. Now can anything be better than BIOSLIFE SLIM to TRANSFORM you from the inside out?
Let's hear your stories. Keep 'em rolling in. Will post my brother's blood sugar results tomorrow after one week of using BIOSLIFE SLIM two times per day. AMAZING.
I have signed up for product but I have a question on all of this. I am interested to see what the results will be. please email me back so I can ask some questions. my email shelly_m5@yahoo.com