If you are interested in starting the BiosLife Slim Weight Loss solution that is NOT A DIET, no counting calories, no eating only this or that, no excessive exercise, you just mix, shake, and drink pleasant tasting drink ten minutes before your two largest meals and watch the change... I'd love to talk to you and give you the best wholesale pricing. If you want to order on your own at the preferred customer pricing of 15% off go to and click on Join. Leave a comment on any post and it will show up in my e-mail box. Leave me a number or e-mail addy to contact you back. I won't be able to reach you if you don't leave me one of these pieces of information.
If you have been sent to my blog by someone other than me PLEASE contact that person for their Franchise Number before placing your order and use with their number.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

DOWN with High Cholesterol


Oh wow!  What a great day.  Went today for my blood work results.  Doc and I had quite a conversation.  I knew the results were gonna be good when he wouldn't show them to me right away and pulled up a chair and asked me EXACTLY what did I do these last sixty days.

Here's the GREAT news.  It even blew me away.  There is NO WAY I could have guessed that BiosLife Slim could bring my numbers down like this.   I don't think my doc has ever seen these kinds of results with statin medications that are prescribed.  He was excited with me.  We will do another follow up in three months to see what more we can achieve. 

Are you ready?

11 lbs. down and 25 inches

September 26, 2011                               Dec 5, 2011  sixty days later

Total Cholesterol          350                             258       -92

LDL                              249                              159      -90

HDL                                 43                                43         0

Triglyercerides             288                                279        -9  it went down and                                                                              not UP for a change

Hba1c                          6.1                                    5.6    (normal is between 4.0 and 6.0)  6.5 they put you on meds for diabetes

So let's everyone get out and do the gratitude dance for the SCIENCE behind Unicity.  This is AMAZING.

Okay, here's the questions that have come up already.  

Did you change your diet?  NO~we have eaten healthfully but not fanatically for years and even more so since the age of 40.

Did I exercise more, NO ~ I exercised less.  I am working with a coach from the TRANSFORMATION program in Unicity and he told me I was exercising TOO much previously and he had me cut down my exercise from 1-2 hours per day to only 30 minutes per day and take two days off.  

I never skipped a meal, still ate eggs and steak and some ice cream and also had a week long road trip of eating in fast food places and Thanksgiving in there.  Now can anything be better than BIOSLIFE SLIM to TRANSFORM you from the inside out?

Let's hear your stories.  Keep 'em rolling in.  Will post my brother's blood sugar results tomorrow after one week of using BIOSLIFE SLIM two times per day.  AMAZING.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bill Chapman’s Story


bill chapmanBill Chapman

I can't believe how simple - yet professional this Life Transformation Program is and it really works great in comparisom to all the other things I've tried in the past 30+ years. I'm only just starting in my 3rd week of the program and my daily insulin use (I'v been on an insulin pump for over 6 years) has come from over 120 units per day down to less than 50 units per day. I was told my pancreas was dead a few years ago and would have to be removed or I'd die and I was on around 500 units (10 shots a day) of insulin daily just to get my blood glucose readings down to 180). I've used good nutrition and spent tens of thousands of $$$$s these last few years to get my diabetes to where it was before I started the Slim. Since starting on just the Slim G and getting such good results I decided to really get serious and do the Life Transformation. I've lost lots of inches and over 25 pounds total and I feel so much better. My blood pressure is finally normal again for the first time in ten years. This is Bill’s starting picture.  I will see if I can get him to post his ending picture when he gets through his thirteen weeks.  Stay tuned.

Bill is writing about joining the TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM through Unicity.  It is a fabulous program for anyone at any state of their health.  You receive all the products you need for thirteen weeks and you get a personal coach assigned to you.  Your coach will assess your lifestyle, your capabilities , and your eating patterns. You will then receive and work with your coach on a program tailor made for YOU!! 

With all I know about nutrition and fitness I still chose to go through the TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM to learn more and for the accountability factor with my exercise.  To my amazement my coach cut my exercise time from over an hour a day to thirty minutes. What a surprise.

Dr. Neal Secrist, former Air Force surgeon, who most people would say was physically fit and in very good shape went through the program and he lost ten pounds and pulled his belt in a notch. 

If you want to see what your body can transform into in just thirteen weeks JOIN US in a complete TRANSFORMATION from the inside out.  You’ll really be glad you did.  If you haven’t yet joined Unicity then use my Franchise Number to get started.  111766801  Click on opportunity and then join. Secret telling smile

Friday, December 2, 2011

And the stories are rolling in….

Whew, what a fun whirlwind this is.  To have a product that is so effective and reliable is just the greatest thing to share with people.  I can’t stop myself from telling people that there is something out there that can change their lives.  I would feel guilty if I didn’t tell them.  It’s their choice but I at least have to let them know it’s available.

Now to share some of the great happenings with you.  Over Thanksgiving….I came home one pound down and half an inch off.  I ate pie, I ate stuffing, I ate potatoes we were on the road, I ate hamburgers from fast food places (yuk) but I always ate my SLIM first!  I ate extra slim. 

Benny B. Weiler Hi everybody, got my new Lab results today! Since the beginning (8 Weeks) my HbA1c dropped from 10.4 to 5.9, my Cholesterol dropped -36 to 193, LDL - 32 to 131, HDL +5 to 42, Trgycerides -200 to 158. Looks like Transformation was my last exit to health!

Hi Janeen,  Five weeks:  P____ and I both are seeing results.   I am down about 6-7 lbs. and several inches.  I can tell especially with some pants that I wear.  I actually went out and bought a new pair of jeans this past weekend a size smaller...still a little tight (P___doesn't think so) but I can button them!  :)  I do like how easy it is!  I have been kind of watching what I am eating since I'm paying for this, to get better hopefully it will keep working.  I haven't exercised at all, so that's impressive in itself!!  I did go off of my iron supplements and have another Dr. appt. next month, so we'll see if that is making any difference.  It's funny, I actually look forward to drinking the shake now, whereas, when I first started, I almost gagged!  I like mixing it with 10-11 0z. of water and then just shaking it a little.  I have noticed that I don't crave sweets so much anymore!  I have not been able to give up my large diet coke from McD's that I have once a day.  Do you think that would make a big difference.  I do drink TONS of water besides the d. coke.  Any thoughts?  Suggestions? A Happy Customer,  Cynthia           update:  I suggested to C.  she might enjoy the Matcha Energy to help her get away from her diet coke habit.  She used Matcha for two days.  The first day she bought the coke and drank only 1/2 of it, the second day, she only drank 1/4 of it and threw it out.  She is very excited about this and will continue with the Matcha from Unicity.

K.S.    I did get my slim and lost 4 1/2 pounds during Thanksgiving week.  It's great!  It's only a few pounds but I can feel it in my legs already.  Thanks for getting me started on it.

Hi Janeen....

Just want to tell you about my cholesterol blood test that I had last Thursday at my doctor's office.   They called me today with the results.

November 2010:    Cholesterol.............313  

October 2011:       Cholesterol...........258                                 

Readings should be    CHOL....................110 - 200    

November   2010     Triglycerides.........  132                                       

October 2011          Trig........................83  

Readings should be  TRIG.....................  40 - 150

November 2010          LDL....................... 244    

October 2011               LDL....................  199                                                  Readings should be     LDL......................    0 - 100

My cholesterol is usually around 350.     I need to get those HDL's up!!   And the LDL's down!!

My blood pressure has been really high this past year, and I was taking 50 mg of Toprol twice a day.

My reading on Thursday was 126/62..... so the doctor said I should cut the dose to 50 mg only once a day.

I was only on the Unicity SLIM-G product for 10 days before my blood test.

Ramona   (ramona had open heart surgery 12 years ago, has also had a stent put in since then, and is intolerant to statin medications. What wonderful results after only TEN days)

Okay, that’s it for now.  There’s more but I think this is enough for now.  I will save some for next week.  Be right back