If you are interested in starting the BiosLife Slim Weight Loss solution that is NOT A DIET, no counting calories, no eating only this or that, no excessive exercise, you just mix, shake, and drink pleasant tasting drink ten minutes before your two largest meals and watch the change... I'd love to talk to you and give you the best wholesale pricing. If you want to order on your own at the preferred customer pricing of 15% off go to and click on Join. Leave a comment on any post and it will show up in my e-mail box. Leave me a number or e-mail addy to contact you back. I won't be able to reach you if you don't leave me one of these pieces of information.
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Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Sticky Subject

Sean has long been a favorite of mine…Enjoy.

So many of you have been telling me that you are very happy with your big accomplishments in the morning since starting your BiosLife Slim.  YES!!! That is very good news. I thought you might like the education my friend Sean from Underground Wellness has provided.  You can do this with corn too if you don’t like to eat beets. 

One of the things that added fiber does is help with the digestion of fats.  Don’t be afraid of eating the good fats.  It will help you go to the bathroom easier.  When you see your stool floating and in a solid piece then you know that your fats are not being stored.  Fat floats!  Did you ever see the grease on top of chili or chicken soup?  It floats.

Good fats are not your enemy in a healthy lifestyle.  The starchy carbohydrates create the environment for storing fats.  Watch video #2 again at

If you want to help your digestive system and have the excitement of being very productive in the morning, run, don’t walk to your phone and give me a call.  BiosLife Slim makes pooping EASY!!! 

715-449-4113  Call my office today!     ~Janeen

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